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Aaron / Personal Inspirations

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Interviewer: Who influenced you when you were getting involved up to now? Who inspired you and inspires you? Aaron: Well, as I said, Carl for sure. Martin Luther King. Malcolm X. Those were some of my first inspirations. Outside of that I’ve got inspiration from other people. I got inspiration from Fidel Castro. I’ve gotten inspiration from Ho Chi Minh. I’ve gotten inspiration from a lot of the revolutionaries around the world. I’ve got inspiration from George Jackson. I’ve got inspiration from Stokely Carmichael. I’ve got inspiration from a lot different people that’s been involved in the struggle. I’ve gotten inspiration from them. I get inspiration from them today. I get inspiration from the memory of them, you know, to this day.

Interview Interview with James Aaron
Subjects Citizenship
Citizenship › Civic Engagement
Citizenship › Political Rights
Community Organizations
Community Organizations › Civil Rights Organizations
Community Organizations › Civil Rights Organizations › National and Regional Civil Rights Organizations
Community Organizations › Civil Rights Organizations › Local Civil Rights Organizations
Black Power
Black Power › Black Panthers
Black Power › Local Black Power Organizations
Black Power › Black Power and Community Organizing
People › King, Martin Luther, Jr.
People › Carmichael, Stokely
People › X, Malcolm
Tags Hampton, Carl
Castro, Fidel
Minh, Ho Chi
Jackson, George
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Interview date 2016-06-08
Interview source CRBB Summer 2016
Interviewees Aaron, James
Interviewers Enriquez, Sandra
Rodriguez, Samantha
Duration 00:01:28
Citation "Personal Inspirations," from James Aaron oral history interview with Sandra Enriquez and Samantha Rodriguez,  June 08, 2016, Houston,TX, Civil Rights in Black and Brown Interview Database,, accessed July 27, 2024