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Johnson / After Receiving Doctorate

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Interviewer: You graduated from A&M in 1967? Johnson: Yes. Interviewer: What did you decide to do now that you had your doctorate? Johnson: Come to Prairie View where I thought I could make a great contribution, share my ideas, that sort of thing. Rather than going out of state, I decided—several reasons, basically had five children and I didn’t want to go to the North or California where I had some opportunities to work and I thought Prairie View would be a good place. I could see what I thought was a transition and I wouldn’t want to be in the cities with five children trying to raise—so, I decided to come here basically to raise my children and, of course, I thought I could make a contribution here having been here, that I could make a greater contribution here. Interviewer: By transition you mean integration? In bigger cities, or what do you mean specifically? Johnson: In the city? No, I thought crime. Too many diversions. Too much competition with stuff and children is really what I meant. There’s a difference. There’s a difference in this kind of setting. It has disadvantages because in many cases, children raised here were protected a bit more and many of them were not equipped to go out in the world and deal with—they didn’t have the attitude or something. In essence, life is all about dealing with people. If you take people out, life is almost nothing. Many instances, we didn’t equip them to go out in this kind of world. Competitive, whatever, whatever it is. Wherever they are. It also had some advantages where you can set this without all this interference. In many cases this came true.

Interview Interview with James E. Johnson
Subjects Family › Children
Family › Parenting
Work › Occupations
Education › Higher Education
Education › Teachers and Administrators
Family › Parenting › Sheltering (Children from racism)
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Interview date 2015-07-21
Interview source CRBB Summer 2015
Interviewees Johnson, James E.
Interviewers Acuña-Gurrola, Moisés
Bynum, Katherine
Locations Prairie View, TX
Duration 00:03:14
Citation "After Receiving Doctorate," from James E. Johnson oral history interview with Moisés Acuña-Gurrola and Katherine Bynum,  July 21, 2015, Prairie View, TX , Civil Rights in Black and Brown Interview Database,, accessed March 28, 2025