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Barnes / Surviving Racial Discrimination and Segregation

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Interview Interview with Michelle Barnes
Subjects Discrimination or Segregation › Discrimination or Segregation of Public Accommodations
Geography › Spatial and Residential Segregation
Historic Periods › Jim Crow Period
Family › Parenting › Sheltering (Children from racism)
Tags Racial Discrimination
Community Cohesion
Jim Crow South
Gastonia Motel
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Interview date 2016-06-17
Interview source CRBB Summer 2016
Interviewees Barnes, Michelle
Locations Louisiana, USA
Alabama, USA
Philadelphia, PA
Mississippi, USA
Third Ward, Houston, TX
Duration 00:04:12
Citation "Surviving Racial Discrimination and Segregation ," from Michelle Barnes oral history interview with ,  June 17, 2016, Third Ward, Houston, TX, Civil Rights in Black and Brown Interview Database,, accessed July 26, 2024