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Ortiz / Union Organizing and Corporate Backlash

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Interview Interview with Rolando Perez Garza and Joe Ortiz
Subjects Family
Family › Marriage
Family › Children
Citizenship › Taxes
Work › Occupations
Work › Labor Unions
Work › Discrimination at Work › Discrimination at Work: Union Membership
Community Organizations
Law and Public Policy › Laws restricting Latino Americans
Medicine and Health
Medicine and Health › Discrimination in Health Care
Medicine and Health › Access to Health Care
Medicine and Health › Medicare and Medicaid
Medicine and Health › Medicine, Health, and Employment
Media › Spanish-Language Radio
Media › Movement Radio
Media › Mainstream Media
Recreation and Leisure › Consumption of Radio/Television/Film
Direct Action
Direct Action › Marches
Chicano Power › Ideology of Chicano Power
Chicano Power › Chicano Power and Community Organizing
Work › Types of Work
Work › Types of Work › Contratista
Ideology › Chicanoism
Direct Action › Protests
Race Relations › Racial Slurs
People › Obama, Barack
Tags Luera, Alberto
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Interview date 2016-06-28
Interview source CRBB Summer 2016
Interviewees Ortiz, Joe
Perez Garza, Rolando
Locations Corpus Christi, TX
Duration 00:05:55
Citation "Union Organizing and Corporate Backlash," from Joe OrtizandRolando Perez Garza oral history interview with ,  June 28, 2016, Corpus Christi, Tx, Civil Rights in Black and Brown Interview Database,, accessed July 26, 2024